My Heart Has Been Stolen By The Band

Things lifeplanwise are looking up. I still don't know what I'm doing, but I'm more okay with that tonight. Coffee, friends and a bit of Jesus are all great things.

Some of y'all know, or do y'all?, that I am a David Crowder Band fan. [As well as a fan of blogspot and the way that your internet can shut down on you in the middle of writing something, but it saves your entry, so you don't have to start over. How thoughtful.] They are just plain cool. They have a xanga and a keytar. Need I really say more?

I'm even a fan of theirs on facebook, which is saying a lot because I'm not a facebook fan of just anything - although I do enjoy hot showers and chocolate chip cookies. I think I'm a fan because of their humor. It's very me. I'm going to stop rambling with how I love DC*B so much, because it's starting to be a tad embarrassing. Almost as much as me just going to look up the spelling of the word "embarrassing" to make sure it's correct.

Either way, you should really watch this video: DC*B's Rockumentary 4: Twitter Will Kill You:

Ironically currently listening to: Home - Shawn McDonald

Ashley Karlen1 Comment