Breakfast Cereal Breakup

Dearest Fruit Loops,

As you know, my favorite time of day are the wee hours of the morning when no one else is awake except by force of having to go to a class. During this time, I meet you with a tea in the 12th Man and usually my planner to go over what needs to be done. Well, over the past month I have met a new friend. I know some mornings I wouldn’t eat breakfast with you and you’d get jealous of my other choice, Cheerios. Well, Cheerios and I met at Target a few weeks ago. Since then, we’ve been inseparable.

Don’t get me wrong, your fruity taste is still great. However, Cheerios has made me an offer I can’t refuse. Cheerios has changed for me and gotten a fabulous new fruity taste itself and is winning my love like no cereal ever has before. I know you have put up a good fight with your golden bars, but it just didn’t resonate with my taste buds as much as we both would have liked.

Don’t think of this as the end of all breakfasts together, but know that there is a new cereal that is satisfying my taste buds for the time being. Fruity Cheerios and I are great new friends.

A Firm Believer in Breakfast,

Is it weird that I really do feel like I’m cheating on Fruit Loops?
Fruity Cheerios are just so good though!