25 Facts of Procrastination
1. I'm supposed to be studying today. I'm being a failure at it by doing chores/anything but studying. I just really don't care that much about Porfirio Diaz and whatever he's done in Mexico. Plus, the mere thought of studying for PoliSci makes me want to drop the class.2. I'm making gallo pinto for the first time today. I'm thinking it's going to be a fail, but I'm making enough to eat on all week...that should be fun.3. I refused to get dressed this morning and go to the store to buy milk. Instead, I put on a hoodie and went to get Chickfila for breakfast. This leaves me with the task of buying milk and gas tomorrow.4. I miss high school football games. I just really don't care about college football the same way as I do high school.5. Finding a themed costume idea for 9-11 people is proving to be hard because of the multitude of choices we have and the lack of the junior high knowing old tv shows like Recess.6. Our house is on a non-ice cream cake diet. Sad day. We don't even have ice cream here. I don't count sherbert, it's just not the same.7. I've not been so sure about the coming of fall lately. Yesterday and today, fall has sprung though. I'm rather enjoying it. Now if it was only cold enough for a scarf and a fleece...8. I get Clyde on Friday after school. I'm excited!9. I should really be writing that blog I told Michael Ryan I was going to write and have been working on in my drafts. Oh well, here's to a few more days of waiting...10. I really want a legit photographer's digital camera for Christmas. Canon. I may have found the one I wanted already as well...11. Online shopping just seems so superior to book studying.12. Once midterms are over, I think I'll be making a pumpkin something something ice cream pie. I'm not sure if that's going to be deemed as not acceptable as to our non-ice cream cake diet. We'll take a vote or rock-paper-scissors it out.13. I really enjoy working in youth ministry. Games. Haha.14. I had a presentation yesterday in Spanish. I definitely wore the same outfit as the other presenter who is my friend. We didn't plan that and I still find that humorous.15. I'm glad I'm an International Studies major (minus the PoliSci class), but journalism tugs on my heart daily.16. I'm starting to really like twitter. What's next? Farmville?17. I have recently rediscovered my love for Todd Agnew. I am still excited about getting my Jared Anderson cd next weekend though.18. I wish I could be 'cool'. I'm not though. Cue Scott Krippayne: "i'm no cool but that's okay my god loves me anyway / i'm not cool but that's alright i'm still precious in his sight". These are song lyrics from an actual song that Calli showed me on our way to SFR.19. Part of me wonders if I should just give up studying or rather trying to study for awhile, get some energy out and I guess restart?20. Stuff Christians Like is possibly one of my absolute favorite humorous things. I do really like Tim Hawkins song about Chickfila though. Actually, just Tim Hawkins in general makes me laugh.21. Is it bad that I semi-wish I could get the flu so I wouldn't have to take tests. I mean, I'm not going to go around looking for germs. But if they find me what can I really do?22. I really like songs that are redone in a funny way. That pretty much just means I really do like Tim Hawkins, Apologetics and people I don't actually knows' names.23. I'm currently looking for hire. The technical job title I want is internationally travelling world changing journalistic youth worker. If you hear of an opening, let me know. I'm not completely not seriously about that. Do the two 'not' words negate each other on that? I hope not.24. By currently looking for hire, I meant one day in my life. I'm currently looking to pass my classes this semester. I think my real job will go better than this whole studying thing.25. I've decided that one of the most annoying things is when you're reading medieval Spanish and the words you're looking up don't exist anymore and aren't even archived anywhere. What, you don't have that problem? I'm not that surprised.