I hate controversy. Scratch that, I might like controversy a bit more than I wish I did. Sometimes though, I wish everything was just laid out for us in black and white. The world is not set up in that way though as there is a myriad of grey spectrums. However, wouldn't life be boring without those greys?I just started reading a new, blogosphere renowned blogger this past week and what a week to start reading! Ragamuffin Soul this week dived into an area that most people wouldn't even want to be a bystander in: Homosexuality and the Church. He has addressed this over two days and I encourage you to read them starting with If A Fat Man Can Lead Church, then heading on If A Fat Man Can Lead Church - Ragamuffin Soul's Reply to and ending with his Welcome to Gay and Lesbian Church Leadership Week. I'm not going to address my opinion's on this issue, if you want to discuss, there's hundreds of comments on Ragamuffin Soul's page for you to pore through. I will say that I fully agree with the following quotation I have painstakingly taken from the video on that last blog though: "I'm going to sprint towards the things that everyone else in my faith is sprinting from because that's what Christ would have done. ... Dave Gibbons in his book, The Monkey and the Fish, puts it so beautifully in referring to Mark chapter 12 when Jesus was talking about the 2 greatest commandments 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind.' and 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' Dave Gibbons said that the literal, cultural understanding during Jesus' day when he said to love your neighbor as yourself meant to find the person most unlike yourself and relentlessly pursue them in Christ's love. How are we doing that today? In our life? In our faith? In our church? How are we relentlessly pursuing the people most unlike ourselves in Christ's love?" - Andrew Marin