Need Inspiration? Look No Further.
This posting of links that have impacted me in some way are chock full of the Compassion International bloggers trip to Kenya this past week or so. It's something that I could have easily skipped over and not thought about. I didn't and I hope you won't either.
You can't microwave spiritual formation. That line alone is something I think we all need to hear.
Kenyan for soccer ball. I absolutely loved the Third World Dictionary series from Shaun Groves.
A Father to the Fatherless.
Sight for the Blind.
Photoshoot on traveling, photography and fun? Yes!
Hobo Living Room. I like pranks. It's a problem.
Wishing the snakes would stop biting. Amen.
& Jeremiah told me to look this up earlier in the week. One of the blogs I follow posted to it as well saying that it was "Stupid Awesome". Agreed.
& Why not share two quotes that have been sitting in a window on my computer all week?
"Maybe the soul is a suitcase that holds the backup plan - a collection of keys and the patience we need to start again. Maybe it’s the thresholds that swallow us whole as we learn to let go, in spite of the dirt on our clothes." - Ryan O’Neal of Sleeping at Last
"If you have a beautiful story, it has to have conflict in it. It has to. We’ve lost touch with that. We are a conflict avoiding culture. One of the things I love about our source text as Christians, the Bible, is that it teaches us not to avoid conflict. It also teaches us that conflict existed before the fall of man, that in paradise there was conflict. It’s not wrong. God wants there to be conflict in your own life." - Donald Miller