Summer Plan #134252-1B
Last weekend, God started doing some crazy works that I'm not quite ready to speak of on here. Either way, I'll let y'all in on exactly what crazy out of this world plan God has for me. We'll call it Summer Plan #134252-1B. I'm excited about this plan. I'm wary of this plan at the same time though. I won't know for sure until Friday at the earliest if this plan will pan out. Please be in pray for this plan. Y'all can shorten it to Plan B in your prayers if y'all like. God knows about it, it's His plan in His hands. Plus, Summer Plan #134252-1B is kind of a mouthful. Please pray for trust and relying fully on Him, against sickness/exhaustion, knowing that either way God will allow things to work out in a way for His glory to shine.
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