Heading To Brazil

This past week and a half has been filled full of adventure. It all started with a text message about an open spot on a mission trip with my home church to Brazil. I really wish I had the time to go in and explain everything that has gone on, however, it is 9:35 the night before I leave and I have a lot of summer school, picture editing and packing to get done before I go. I'm hoping to find some time to type it out, but I'm not sure when that will be. (My goal, which I know isn't feasible, is to not pull an all-nighter. Ha!)Just know, that it's a bit crazy how everything came together in just 8ish days.And with that, I'll be leaving on a plane to Brazil tomorrow!Want to pray? Splendid! Here's how you can be praying:I'm going to attach the list of what the team needs prayer for, but to pray for me personally it would be great for y'all to be praying for no stress as I will still be doing summer school stuff, just from Brazil; an open mind/heart receptive to whatever God has in store; my heart to not be complacent (hope that makes sense!)Now on to how to pray for the entire team!Sunday, June 13: Pray for God to prepare each team member to be a vessel for Him to use this week; pray for rest before traveling.Monday, June 14: Pray for safe flights and for unity between the youth and adults; pray for the team’s rest and energy after a long flight; pray for an outpouring of God’s spirit on the team and those we will serve. Tuesday, June 15: Pray for open doors and relationship with the families we will be serving; pray that we will be light in the darkness and the presence of God in people’s lives.Wednesday, June 16: Pray for attitudes to be Christ-like and for God’s favor with the local people.Thursday, June 17: Pray for the lost in Sao Paulo to hear God’s word; pray for the Holy Spirit to move in the evening outreaches.Friday, June 18: Pray for God to open new doors and give us boldness and confidence to share His message. Saturday, June 19: Pray for our team to bless our host families and the church, to help meet their needs.Sunday, June 20: Pray for powerful worship and for some of the new families to come to church; pray for safe travel to Rio.Monday, June 21: Pray for a fun day of sightseeing and time together; pray for great closing worship and a plan to bring what we have learned back home.Tuesday, June 22: Pray for safe travel to Sao Paulo and a safe flight home.