Todos se murieron.

School started back up. I'm still not on the side of being super excited about it, but I'm at least adjusting. I only have 12 hours as of right now: 2 communications classes, a sociology methods class and a Spanish class on the Mexican Revolution.

One of my friends asked how classes was today. My reply was, "It was good. Everyone got shot." I forgot that they didn't know I was in a Mexican Revolution class and unsurprisingly, the majority of people I know do not have an extensive knowledge about the revolution. All the leaders of the revolution end up dying by gun shot either in assassination, battle or by another revolutionary leader. Our professor ended our class today telling us how everyone got shot and then said "Todos se murieron." That's that. What's the moral of this story? My classes aren't that much different than in semesters past.

I'm excited about Aggie Sisters for Christ starting up again. We start back on Monday. I'm incredibly excited about that. The other big thing I'm excited about is youth, which should be a given. I'm starting to get a bit more ecstatic about my group of friends' bible study now that we've looked at a few book options.

It should be a good semester overall. I just wish there was a way I could take a Portuguese class.

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