Something To Really "LIKE"!


For those of you who are not yet aware, I am a youth counselor at A&M UMC. I also love photography and missions. When you put this all together, there's this unique mathematical equation:

youth counselor + love for missions + photography

= joye photography missions fundraising!

Through my photography, I want to express God's creativity in the world around me, as well as introduce the world to things that often go unseen. joyephotography is not a business. It may one day be one, but right now God doesn't have joyephotography or myself in that place. Who knows what he has as far as the future, but for the moment this is not.

Having said this, I am a youth counselor at A&M UMC in College Station, Texas. We are currently trying to raise funds for our Spring Break Youth Mission Trip. All of my photography "proceeds" for the moment will be going directly to this mission trip, either to fund students to get there or for supplies once we are there.

If you'd like a photo session*, I would love to shoot one with you. It doesn't matter what kind of session it is! Portraits, engagements, bridals, weddings, friends, families, kids, newborns, every day life moments, events, sports, retreats, etc. *Each photo session is for a $50 minimum donation for the A&M UMC Spring Break Youth Mission Trip! Get excited! :)

joyephotography is now on facebook if you would like to "like joyephotography" or invite a friend, a dozen friends, or all of your facebook friends to support this cause and get some neat pictures made in the process.

Ashley Karlen1 Comment