Today, I Like Lists

11AM. The dog, Clyde, woke me up. Weather status: raining.2PM. Hijacked Lori's TV to watch Disney Channel instead of PBS kids. Weather status: raining.3PM. Ate Mac&Cheese lunch. Weather status: raining.5PM. Parent's got home from errand running, tackled Clyde, and talked to my best friend, Laura, on the phone. Weather status: raining.6:30PM. Still wishing I could walk outside without getting drenched. Weather status: raining.Today's been a bit, well, wet. This has given me time to do some online looking though. If you're trying to stay dry and looking for some distractions: enjoy!1. Blog find. todaysletters has such a cute writing style. Don't be surprised if you see their writing style surface here some day. It looks fun!2. For some reason, I'm a big fans of owls lately. I'm not as big of a fan of dishes, but this dishtowel has a cute little owl on it.3. This is a short wedding dress that I think is very lovely, but it wouldn't my final pick for a wedding. I'd definitely wear it for another occasion though.4. Headpieces are something that are simply darling. This little headpiece I found at an etsy shop is such a great whimsical one.5. Cristoph Niemann is a genius. He has a fantastic little blog on the NYTimes called Abstract City and does some really interesting artworks such as working with legos or cookie dough.6. I haven't actually finished reading through this although it's been open in my tabs since before Christmas. I've watched the video though and read a little about it on another website. This muppets proposal has definitely got to be one of the cutest things ever.7. There's a pledge out to buy handmade. I suggest purchasing these earrings because they are handmade and make me want to don a gown.8. Interesting article on cheating and college. There's not really anything else to say. Or is there?9. How cute is this photography sequence of all the adventures that a dreaming baby can have?I'll leave you there to search on with your own adventures.

Ashley KarlenComment