The Unphotographed Four. & Midterms!

Four. Four days on my 365 went unphotographed. This is okay though. I knew that I would miss days starting the project and I decided to not hold it over my head. Missing days happens and it will not be the end of my world. Plus, I usually don't just take one picture most days, so it's not like I'm not getting the practice in.What did I do these days? I believe for two of the days, I hit the hay exhausted. Three days could be counted this way if you wanted to add in my birthday which I ended up taking a nap and waking up the next day. The other day is lost to the imagination as I do not recall at this moment why it went unphotographed. Plus, without a photograph it is as if that day never happened. Just kidding!I'll probably upload new pictures in a few days. I'm editing right now and then will probably hit the hay. 22 hours of classes isn't meant for humans.My planner a few weeks back told me this: "I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once." - Jennifer Yane. So true, so true.Here's to the next 3 weeks of midterms!: 14 tests, 5 homeworks due (doesn't include individual assignments), 1 photo project, 1 research paper outline/thesis/bibliography (If you know me and how I write, the paper will have to be practically done to get this.), 1 JHigh Girls' Bible Study lead, and 1 youth retreat between weeks 1 and 2. Bring it, Midterms, Bring it!

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