Funky Designs.

Things have been kind of crazy since I got back, so I'm just going to let y'all enjoy some fun design stuff that I found around the blogosphere before I left for Costa Rica. More updates on life back here in the states when I get a chance and things settle down.

Lego of all your previous designs, this wall is way to fun to pass up!

Months after seeing this, I am still floored this is someone's dorm room.

What childhood memories could be created sleeping and dreaming in a tree house.

Not sure if I'd live in a real tree house, but I wouldn't mind spending a few nights.

Money usually allows people to buy design, but why not make money into design?

My Fireside DVD is quite comfy, but the i-Log could take it that comfy-ness a whole new level.

Ribbon is quickly becoming one of my favorite decorative items.

Some people train their dogs to shake. Some people train their kids to put socks into dressers.

This isn't really design room-related but these little potted flowers are adorable.

Sometimes I want to have my own roped-off space, yet have yelling access to people nearby. A rope wall combines this quite nicely.

Who said when you grow up you have to paint inside the lines?

Speaking of painting, I'm in love with this artist's abstract designs and vibrant colors.

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