Getting Back Into the Groove
Between working on my thesis paper, job hunting, hanging out with the youth group and missing critical steps to graduation such as getting a cap and gown*, I've kind of let the blog go by the wayside as many of y'all have let me know. I am hoping to get a good uploading of Project 365 which has been so much harder than I previously anticipated to keep up with it for this semester. Until then, enjoy some things that have caught my eye around the internet.
*If you have a black cap with a tassle, can I borrow it?
I am aware that Thanksgiving is approaching rather rapidly, but these Valentines animal cookies are pretty cute.
I thought by this point in the semester I would have read a lot more books for fun that don't deal with Costa Rican economics. At least there's other uses for books that are just as awesome.
Christmas is coming up. I'm not sure if any of y'all have noticed it's arrival which began possibly in late July and hit full force by the first week of October. Too bad my Dad doesn't need to wear a tie anymore, because this one would be the great gift of ties - especially for lunch meetings.
Felt pennants have somehow stolen my heart over the last year. So simple, yet so perfect.YAAAY!!!
I tried training for a half marathon a few years ago. I've decided that I'm so much better at other things that I probably shouldn't waste my time on it. (This really means that I can't get to that 2 mile marker without dying.) This news article about an extreme marathoner not only puts me to shame, but I'm pretty sure he's insane.
I'm short, like really short. This sign makes me chuckle just thinking about shortness.
My best friend, Laura, came to visit me at college a few weekends ago. We got into a conversation on ruggedness. Not what you were expecting? Yeah, us either. Apparently, I love the creativity of something unique, bold and rugged.
This cartoon has been circling for awhile, but it still makes me laugh when I see it.
This book is on my to-read list.
I have very few stuffed animals that I have kept. (This does not include an entire Beanie Babies collection, but hey, that's just the 90s inside of me not willing to let go!) Decorating with these cute little critters might change my mind though. Just look at that squirrel!
I'm a vintage shopper. I'm a vintage collector. I'm a vintage decorator. I love this vintage owl cookie jar.
I could probably go on for a bit longer, but I'll just say sayonara here.