Reading is Ridiculous...

One of my 12 for 12 goals is that I finish every book I've started in the last few years. I could think of a few book titles at the time when I wrote that down. I had no idea what I was about to find stashed away in plain sight on bookshelves waiting for me to rediscover them - all 24 books that I never finished. I'm not even sure that the number is capped there. I read a few excerpts from Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers but I think that's going to be rain checked for next year after looking at this list.Okay y'all, here is the ridiculous amount of books I will try to read this year:One Month to Live - Kerry and Chris Shook I think I got to Day 2.Vintage Jesus - Mark DriscollRead most of it, lacking a few chapters at the end.Get Uncomfortable - Todd PhillipsI'm not even sure where I stopped...Enfrente a sus Gigantes - Max LucadoThat's Facing Your Giants for those who thought this blog was in English. Yes, I only own this book in Spanish.Wild at Heart - John Eldredge I got slightly past page 10...LiT - Dave EdwardsI can not tell you how many times I've started this and stopped.Quitting Church - Julia Duin I actually got through over half of this if I remember correctly.A Call to Die - David NassarI always end up switching to something else...Sacred Romance - Curtis & EldredgeI can tell you where I was when I started Chapter 1, which was the last time I ever read it.When I Relax, I Feel Guilty - Tim HanselThere's a poem in the beginning of the book that I've read too many times to count. I at least finally started Chapter 1 this last semester...Breaking Free - Beth MooreI think I actually read about half of this one semester with ASC and stopped when we had to stop for Summer.So Long Insecurity - Beth MooreI actually haven't started this book yet. I'm hoping to read it in its entirety this spring though.The Grand Sweep - J. Ellswoth KalasMy church is doing this as a read the whole Bible in the year plan together. I'm way behind. I did get the book in February and it was supposed to be started in January. Excuse? Oh, yes.Ragamuffin Gospel - Brennan ManningI read the first chapter in a car once. I proceeded to carry it everywhere with me for awhile and never opened it again.The Ultimate Field Guide to Photography - National GeographicI started this and never really got too far into the book. I need to. I think its owner is missing it...When God Writes Your Love Story - Eric LudyI think I may have read three chapters in this? That is probably an overestimate though.Forgotten God - Francis Chan I can guarantee that I only read the first chapter.Scared, A Novel - Tom Davis I have no idea how far I got into reading this, but I know that I loved it!Dangerous Wonder - Mike YaconelliFirst chapter. I'm pretty positive on that guess. There is a bookmark at least in it indicating that I would return. That's a plus, right?Blue Like Jazz - Donald Miller I read a few chapters in the back of the book. I went back and read Chapter 1 the other day. I'm not so sure about finishing this one.Redeeming Love - Francine Rivers I read three chapters in this book! Then, I went to sleep and never went back to it again.The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Down, Book 2 - Neta Jackson I loved this book! I was reading the first book in the series at the very end of my study abroad in Costa Rica last summer. I started this book when I was in the hospital right when I got back. I got to page 123/422 which isn't too bad.Confronting the Controversy - Adam Hamilton My kindle says I'm about 11% into this book. That's not too bad, right? That may be the Chapter 2 start page, or not, that's just how I feel...The Dating Blook - Matt Lantz I've actually gotten pretty far on this. I have been reading bits and pieces out of order, but with my reading history, what's to be expected?I think I just proved that either:A) I'm a quitter when it comes to reading.B) I finished an extremely low number of books in college.C) I have a lot of reading to catch up on this year.D) I need help; AKA all of the above.