When The 'What Ifs' Turn to Yeses!


There seems to be an increasing interest in the introvert versus extrovert topic lately so much so that I saw someone post to Twitter the other day that saying you're an introvert is the new gluten-intolerant stance. It's trendy. I've never really been clear on where I stand on the introvert to extrovert status. I've heard it said that an introvert may not say much but there are things constantly running in their mind. That is my mind.I may not be writing here much lately but if you could be in my mind and hear the thoughts, oh man, would you be excited for the future posts I have swirling around in my head. Why am I waiting though? I'm waiting because I want things to be good. I want to impart the things I've learned, the things I love and the things that encompass my mind on here. I want to impart them well. I'm not waiting on perfection right now though, I'm waiting on time.

Start Experiment Round One lit a fire under my blogging bum and came at a time where there was a lot of 'What ifs?' up in the air. Now it's Start Experiment Round Two and I'm ironing out a lot of the awesome that has happened from Round One and looking at new Round Two opportunities.In Round One, I risked two things: getting a job I loved and working on my blog consistency. I was blessed to get a job at a church within the first two days of assignments being released. It is a huge victory knowing that I will be doing something I love doing. I had a little more time to start getting blog consistency worked up and working on some new exciting changes for it. In addition to this, I got to edit a book for a new friend. More than all of that though, I have found a loving community of dreamers.In the end of Round One, I started my new job in a new city. We're well into Round Two and I'm currently working remotely as I wait for some medical things to be taken care of for my Dad. I'm working, packing, taking care of my sister, saying goodbye to friends (and hello to a few who have been out of the country), making sure my dog is okay along with Start and so many new opportunities that seem to be knocking on my door right now. It's been a whirlwind of a few weeks and I'm crazy excited about all of the opportunities from having my photography in an art show to having a giveaway to making new connections with amazing individuals.It's time consuming though and with the 'What ifs?' turning into 'Yeses', it's becoming impossible to keep up with everything. It's impossible to say yes to everything. It's a problem that I've encountered and befriended for years now. It's time to learn to say things like 'wait' and 'not now' and even the dreadful 'no'. I need to let you know more for myself than you really that I have great dreams that I'm going to make sure don't stay in the land of dreams even if they have to frolic out there in fields filled with unicorn and streams of chai tea lattes for awhile as boxes are packed, new routines are settled into and things are figured out.It's been a wild ride and even though my dreams seem to just linger out in front of me right now, dreaming with the knowledge that I can do something about them and an amazing community supporting me is good enough for the time being. It is good enough to wait for better timing not due to perfection but due to the necessity of saying 'not now'.