Life Changes


photo by awake photography

Hello sweet family, friends and those who’ve meandered over here today to see what this next adventure of mine holds. It’s been about 3.5 years since my last post. That seems like such a long time, but it also seems as if it was merely days ago. A few days before that, a life change knocked me down in a terrible way. It has changed me forever and caused a long time of silence in my writing. I’ve written things out of necessity – grocery lists, meeting notes, birthday cards, things I’ve been asked to for work, etc., but I haven’t really sat down and written for me. Many seasons have changed now and I have a lot of pent up words searching for a home. I want this to be their home again.Three and a half years really changes a lot. I had no idea how much life change could happen for a 20 something, let alone for me. If you had told me that I would be where I am today, I probably would have laughed and cried, both of which has gotten me to where I am today. I could not have imagined the last few years to go as they have. Here’s some bullet points of what I feel like we missed doing together before we move on to new adventures.

  • My dad passed away. (August 2013)

  • I moved to another city for 6 months before returning home.

  • I mourned... a lot.

  • I worked in various youth ministry positions.

  • I had the privilege of working on some incredible trips with amazing people.

  • Time stood still as coffee chats, board games and NCIS reruns with friends became a new norm of sorts.

  • I met the man of my dreams. (September 2015)

  • I read Annie Down's, Let's Be Brave, got terrified and brave all at once and began to evaluate everything.

  • I was diagnosed with Chron’s Disease.

  • I left my position in youth ministry to pursue new endeavors.

  • I married Rick, the man of my dreams. (October 2016)

  • I started digging up old dreams I'd laid aside and ponder what it would be like to begin again.

  • I began again.

Thanks for catching up with me today. I can’t wait to adventure with you again!