What I'm Loving // March 2017

I've started 2 different blog posts for today and just nothing seems right. I don't know if it's just the day or what, but things aren't flowing like they should. I love top ten lists, which I'm sure you've noticed if you've been journeying with me. I'm not sure since I've been back to blogging that I've really allowed y'all to see a peek in to who I am yet. Today, I'd like to share 10 things that I'm loving right now.

  1. If there's one thing I'm loving currently, it's the The Happy Hour Podcast by Jamie Ivey. I'm a bit obsessed. Like, I'm binge listening level obsessed. I love stories and I love how Jamie is inspiring me to stay connected in my faith, especially during this weird season of mine. Her guests are courageous, God-loving, fascinating women and I'm loving devouring their stories and getting to know them. Maybe, one day, Jamie will interview me. A girl can dream!

  2. Looking for Lovely by Annie Downs is a book that I'd recommend for sure. I finished this book in late January. It's so worth the buy! I'll be reviewing it in an upcoming post. It's actually one of the ones that I started today and just decided I wanted to sit with the book and ponder a bit longer.

  3. The Pokemon Go App for Iphone is my current go to phone game. It's reminding me to walk which is always good. Collecting Pokemon is fun too.

  4. Rick and I are both a bit obsessed with Skipbo. We've been playing almost nightly. I went on a 10+ Skipbo run there for awhile but he's made a comeback. We actually spent most of our weekend relaxing with a NCIS marathon while playing this card game. Sometimes, it's the simple things y'all.

  5. Want to Be a Writer? Start Writing. I absolutely love these encouraging words from Becky Kiser on writing. It's interesting. Everywhere I seem to look lately, I hear more and more about this concept. It's so simple, yet somehow has the power to paralyze us.

  6. If you're looking for a good date night dinner spot in Houston, you should check out Dumar's. I'd say get the Couples Plate. There's a ton of food but it's ridiculously delicious and so fun to try the huge variety that comes on it. I'm currently hooked on their chicken shawarma.

  7. In lieu of writing, I got to get together with some out of town friends tonight. We had a wonderful evening discussing life, drinking coffee and playing Harry Potter Clue. I think it's been almost two full years since we four have been in the same place. My heart longs for a day when we could do something like tonight in person once a month or even more. God's brought some amazing girls into my life, I just hope one day he'll have us all in the same place too.

  8. I just started The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh over the weekend. I'm floored with the beautiful use of language within the pages of that book. I almost couldn't even stop reading for date night because it had captured me so deeply. It's been quite a while since that happened and I'm so excited to see what happens as I continue reading.

  9. I'm savoring alone time. This seems so weird to say, especially as a newlywed. Rick, don't be upset if/when you see this. There's just something that I've loved lately about carrying our fold up chairs into our backyard with a cup of ice cold water and reading. I cannot get enough of it. I don't know if it's the sun on my skin, the opportunity to get lost in a good story or just as much silence as suburbia has to offer. Unfortunately, I think winter is coming back so it may be a while before this is a consistent thing in my life. In the meantime, I'll be snatching up the bits of time that I have to bask in the sun while I can though.

  10. This last thing I am loving is so silly. It's not silly because of what it is, but how it came into my possession. I went shopping with my mom. We noticed this Columbia polka dot vest on a rack and she made me try it on. It fit perfectly and it was on sale. Plus, it is one of the most comfortable things I've worn in a long time. She bought it for me because I refused to get it for myself. With the constant changing of seasons and it's ability to be ridiculously comfortable, it's practically made itself into my every day uniform. I don't even have a single complaint about that. I just can't move on to another piece of clothing. It's the perfect thing to grab in the mornings and I give no apologies for that.



Alright y'all, thanks for sticking with me today and hopefully gaining some insight as to who I am, especially if we're not IRL friends yet. I'll be back with some serious insights soon. Love you and hope y'all are having a wonderful Spring Break! Don't forget to get some self-care in!