The Language of Flowers: A Book Review


I just finished The Language of Flowers a few days ago. I am so sad that I’ve already finished it. This is easily one of the best books that I’ve read in years. The language and diction that Vanessa Diffenbaugh uses are mesmerizing. She completely enveloped me into the world of foster child Victoria and had me captivated from the very first chapter.The craziest thing that has happened since reading this book is that I am currently obsessed with flowers. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve perused the floral section at HEB or dreamt of buying a flower farm. This is a story that changes the way you view flowers. Each bloom is now a manner of communication in itself and that is so incredibly cool to me.The ending is satisfying but has left with me with the smallest of questions of life after the book has ended. The way she has chosen to end it does leave one with a certain level of contentment though that can leave the story where it has ended.If you read only one book this year, I cannot recommend this one more. I loved absolutely every minute of reading it, whether it was in a hammock or at the doctor’s office. It would definitely be better to set aside some time with limited interruptions to fully enjoy it. Bonus if you can read it while surrounded with blooms!Go buy the book and some blooms!AshleyP.S. The protea flowers I used in my wedding mean courage. I absolutely love!