My Prayer for Those Struggling with Owning Their Purpose + Calling


A couple of weeks ago, Rick and I had a bizarrely bare weekend schedule. We quickly remedied that with milk tea, Pandemic and some sweet time chilling in our hammocks. You may remember that I accidentally added Christine Caine's, Undaunted, that weekend. I've been pretty candid that I believe in God's timing for me to read that in spite of it not being on my list per se. (You can read more about that weekend reading and my thoughts here.)

It's no secret to me that God is using this season for me to sit and confront my purpose, my calling and His timing with it all. It's a tough season to say the least. One peppered with questions, struggles, wonders and so much more sitting on my heart. It's not been easy and it's been way longer than I wish.

I feel a stirring deep down that this season will be coming to an end soon. I don't know what that will entail or what will come of that ending. In some ways, I know that my purpose and my calling have been renewed during this time as well as my belief in His good timing. His timing is perfect and sweet and above all, good even when it doesn't seem like it. He's all knowing and in control. It takes trust to believe in His timing and what he's called is to do. It's not always easy, but it's always possible.

Writing this prayer today, I'm sitting shotgun on a road trip while listening to a podcast and enjoying the golden hues of a late in the day summer sun over country fields in Texas. It's exactly where God wants me, right here, praying this prayer for both myself and for you.

Pray this with me.

God,You are great and mighty. You are a sweet, sweet Father who cares for us even in ways that we can't fathom. You know everything and hold everything together in crazy, miraculous ways.

I know you know my innermost thoughts. I know you know my despite for this season of waiting, a season of questioning who I feel like you've called me to be.

You've called me to be a warrior carrying your words in my heart yet I struggle to hold fast to them myself. I read them, I hear them said to me and yet your truths seem to bounce off my heart. Why can't they stick, Lord? Why can't I believe who you've called me to be? Why can I believe you've created and revealed your purpose for me yet I feel like I can't act on it?

This feeling of waiting lingers around me at every turn. I know you're doing good things. I can't imagine what you're sowing into me right now that you'll use for your glory in future seasons. Give me patience to do this hard work of waiting as I see others seemingly pass me by. Allow me to cheer on and encourage those who are doing all the things I wish I could be doing while I wait for your timing to follow where you will have me be. Lord, in this waiting, break me and draw me closer to you.

I know your plans for me are greater than I could ever begin to imagine. Help me to own my calling. Help me to cast off the cares of the world that don't align with yours. Help me to believe in truth and not the lies that have wormed their way into my heart and my mind. Replace them with your words, your sweet, sweet words that you have spoken and sung over me since the very moment you thought about me. Let those words take root and flourish in my soul.

Lord, take these words. Take my heart. Make the words I believe about myself and my purpose and calling to be words that are true and words that are of you. Make my heart reflect more of yours. Amen.

Cling to this with me.

"Waiting is just a gift of time in disguise - a time to pray wrapped up in a ribbon of patience- because is the Lord ever late?" - Ann Voskamp, A Holy Experience

He is never late. Now, let's go live in His calling and purpose for us. Let's go live the love we can in this moment.