The Special Announcement Is Here!

A few days ago I posted on Ashley Karlen Photography that I had some exciting news to share this morning. I totally do. We'll get to that in a few minutes though. I know. I'm not always the best with waiting so feel free to scroll down and come back up here. I totally get it. I'll even wait.....Relieved that you finally know? Great! This past year of learning the path to being brave and starting out on that adventure has been such an exciting one so far. I've rediscovered things about myself that are so cool and yet I'd completely forgotten about them with the hustle and bustle of the last few years. One of those things has definitely been my love of photography. It's been a long time coming, but getting back into the groove of photography has been so soothing to my soul. I feel like I've regained a part of me that has been missing for years. It's been so life giving in a way that I could have never imagined.I want you to know today that if you've lost a hobby, a relationship or something close to your heart over the past few years, you can recapture it. It may not look like my journey to being brave. In fact, it probably won't. What matters is that if there's something stirring in your heart whether it's a creative endeavor, a pull to a simpler life or taking on a new task that you've previously placed in the 'that's scary and so not for me' category of life, it's okay. You can totally do it.Put on your brave today and step towards it. Baby steps are totally fine. I've baby stepped, stumbled, fallen and gotten up again on this journey. The beauty of that is that with each baby step forward, I can see his grace pushing me and leading the way. God will be there, right beside you to pick you up and brush you off just like the good father he has promised us He is. Put on your bravery, step out and pursue what God is calling you to do no matter where or what He's leading us to. From my own experience, I think you'll regret not doing it sooner.

What's the news already!?

I'm so glad you asked! I know a few of you posted on the Ashley Karlen Photography Facebook page that you're hoping for a pregnancy announcement. Sorry to disappoint. But that's not what's about to happen here today. Believe me, Rick's smile would be much bigger than it is in that first photo! Now we truly know how excited our family and friends would be to find out that news though! If you got all psyched up in anticipation of a baby announcement, rest in knowing that our family has grown recently from Rick, myself and our wedding tree, Charlie, to include a little cactus named Sue. Cactus Sue loves sitting in the sun and enjoys summer just as much as I do.We're super excited to celebrate summer with you! Ashley Karlen Photography is offering a special summer rate of $75 sessions through July 31. Any portrait session is available. There's so many possibilities for these sessions from portraits of your little kids, getting ahead of the rush to have your family photos ready for Christmas cards or just a few nice headshots for your dating profile. [This special summer rate doesn't apply to weddings or events, but I'd still be interested in doing those for you.] I would love to hang out with you and have a fun summer session too. Interested!? Click here to send me information so we can set up a session today! Click here to see some past sessions.