What I'm Loving: Winter 2018

Time has been flying lately! I feel like most of my people and I are astounded that it's already March. It begs the question - what happened to February!? It's been awhile since I've done a What I'm Loving blog post, so I've rounded up a bunch of my favorites and put them here.FIGURING out my life and why I do the things that I do with the enneagram. I've read The Road Back To You by Ian Morgan Cron + Suzanne Stabile. It's a great comprehensive read for anyone who is ready to dip their toe into the enneagram world. It's been a bit of a game changer as I've been able to identify habits that hold me back and things about myself that I don't think I've ever fully realized about myself.TAPED to my bathroom mirror is a Yearly Prayer that is both a reminder to pray and a challenge of what I'm working on, processing through and giving to God to handle Himself. I went through and bolded a few specific things so that I could still intentionally pray those when I'm running late. Just a tip for anyone who already has done a yearly prayer or would like to do one: it's never too late to be in intentional prayer.THROWING Scout's ball for her has been a favorite past time of mine lately. She's so in love with her ball that it's a bit ridiculous. She was tearing through tennis balls in one sitting so we found these and we absolute love them. They bounce super well and she doesn't tear through them anywhere near as fast.WISHING I could get all of the Christ Centered Commentaries and that they'd be written for every book of the Bible. I'm using the Galatians Commentary currently, and I absolute love it. It's in depth but not anything so crazy that it doesn't seem manageable. I've used it for all New Testament books so far, but I'm curious to see how Jesus is woven into the Old Testament in ways that I may not have already seen.ENTERTAINED by the Making Oprah Podcast way more than I thought I would be. I've watched Oprah on and off over the years with others, but I've never been a legit Oprah fan or anything. After hearing that this podcast was recommended over and over again, I finally decided I needed to see what all the buzz was about. I'm so glad that I did. I loved the show, how it was done and getting the inside scoop on this movement. I'm still not a true Oprah fan, but I can appreciate the journey and revolution she brought to TV.LIVING in awe of how Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer is changing my prayer life. I'm only a few chapters in, but I'm loving how it's changing my perspective on prayer. One of my favorite quotes from Priscilla Shirer so far is, "Until we intentionally discipline ourselves to be still and listen, to acquaint ourselves with His voice and His stirrings in our private, intimate moments with Him, we'll never hear Him consistently anywhere. We'll miss most of what He's saying". This book is a punch in the gut for prayer in the absolute best of ways.PRACTICING the Sabbath after being really convicted over not taking it as a serious commandment. I'm in the baby steps stage, y'all. I'm getting there though. I loved hearing John Mark McComer talk about Sabbath on That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs. One of the tricks that I've been employing in my quest to abide by a Sabbath lifestyle is marking it in my planner and making sure there's one at least every seven days.TRYING to not cry at our newfound Dog Parent Problems. We bought these Doggie Diapers back in December. We love the designs and how well they work. Unfortunately, our girl can get out of them if she really wants to, but those coincide with days where she doesn't have an accident. As long as there's no accident, I don't care where the diaper ends up at the end of the day.READING Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis and absolutely loving it. She is so incredibly relatable, witty and chock full of wisdom. I'm savoring the chapters slowly as I'm listening to them on audiobook. She covers a wealth of information that she's learned so far in life. She takes a lie that she's believed and breaks down the falsities of it.CAVING in and replacing my old planner with the Happy Planner. I had grabbed a cheap planner earlier in the year, but it just wasn't cutting it. I needed separate sections for different areas of my life. I love the stickers and versatility in planning in a way that works for me. If you're wanting to see how you can utilize a Happy Planner to simplify and plan out your life, check out this video my friend Sonam's made as she began planning this year.ENJOYING the art on the Munchkin expansion packs to Munchkin. This game is such a great group game. As we've added a few of the expansion packs, I've really loved seeing the different art collaborations. We have the puppy one which is crazy adorable. We also just got the Knights and Princesses. I love the different dynamic in the game that happens when you add in the expansions.LAUNCHING If You Only Knew by Jamie Ivey out into the world as part of Jamie's Launch Team. I wrote all about it here, so I won't spend too much time on this one. But know that it's definitely worth the read.THANKING a dear friend for the challenge of doing this Prayer Journal with her. I love the weekly format, but I've had to go in and date those weeks. Otherwise, it gets really confusing. The good thing about that is that you can literally start it on any week of the year.SINGING along with the 80s Smash Hits Playlist on Spotify has been my jam since Thanksgiving. I've always loved the decade and listening to it on repeat has been so soothing, especially since waiting for Stranger Things to come back.If you're looking to see what I've loved previously, head over here to see What I Was Loving back in October.