A Few Thoughts on the Royal Wedding


You may have heard a little something about a Royal Wedding this weekend. I totally and completely watched it. My old roommate, my mom and I got up super early, donned fascinators and settled in for the royal affair. I didn't expect to love it as much as I did. Here's some of my thoughts on bits and pieces of the royal wedding.

Meghan Markle's Dress, Tiara, + Her Makeup

The dress itself was beautiful. Simple and chic which is what I imagined Meghan to choose. Although, if I had to choose one for me, I'd probably go with Kate's dress. I can't imagine Meghan in all of the lace on that one though. There's been a few photos where I love Meghan's dress a bit less, but I think the overall silhouette and statement of the dress is stunning.

The tiara is not my taste. I love details, but it's a bit too ornate and intricate for my own taste. The history behind the brooch in the middle did make me like it a little bit more, because I can definitely respect the history of a piece. I do think the ornateness of it added just the perfect amount of extra oomph to Meghan's overall look.I cannot get over Meghan's makeup. I am so happy that she chose a look that is simple and true to her. I'm not much of a makeup gal, and I believe that less is more in that department. I love that little girls everywhere will be looking at her as what our society is deemed beautiful, and they won't see a woman hidden under pounds of makeup.

The Atmosphere + Entertainment

Forget-me-nots in Meghan's bridal bouquet were a really nice touch and a complete nod to Harry's mom, Diana which was especially sweet. The grand arches with all the white, creamy blooms were beautiful. There's such a sweet, elegant simplicity to it all. I loved it.

Full choirs singing Stand By Me and cello prodigy, Sheku Kanneh-Mason, playing during the wedding as well. Harry and Meghan picked excellent musical choices. Stand By Me is still echoing around in my head days later. That cello solo was beyond perfect. I love the fact that they chose someone who is both young and talented for that role.

On to My Favorite Part

Rev. Michael Curry gave a message that I absolutely loved. If you haven't seen it yet, please take a few minutes this morning and watch it. His call to loving one another is absolutely beautiful. I JUST LOVE IT!

 I'm so excited to see how the future unfolds for Harry + Meghan. Here's to a long and happy marriage for those two!