
That's a sigh of relief.

The packing is over for now. Everything that I use is in College Station minus a few clothing items, the books I'm reading and my laptop among a few other things. It was good, albeit very stressful.

Sadly though, my room is brown. My chest, desk, and lockers are all brown. My bedding is also brown, which makes perfect sense in Houston since my room is turquoise. In an all white room though, the whole assortment looks well, rather brown and boring. Hopefully, my mom, aunt and I can spice it up with color on Saturday when we go back up there.

I'm back in Houston until then. My tent is set up in the middle of my room. It's nice. I think I'll zip me into my sleeping bag inside of there soon. It makes me kind of happy to even just go faux-camping since I've wanted to all summer but never went. Anyone want to go non-faux camping?

Ashley KarlenComment