Is too much of a good thing always bad?
I enjoy reading. I'm not sure if you've picked up on that by the 4 books mentioned on my currently reading list and one that I haven't put down on there to resist looking like I'm currently reading a small library.
Last night, I opened up my laptop ready to see what kind of interesting, reflectful, hilarious insights have been shared from the blogs that I have found this summer and devoured every word they have penned. Much to my dismay, not a single one showed up on my RSS feed. This worried me. How would I know what happened next in someone's life? What does the redone HGTV DesignStar Challenge done by that one blogger look like? Am I ever going to be able to find them again?
This has led me to search out some new blogs for a little reading this morning as I online shop. I've enjoyed what I've found immensely, however I just now went back to my feed and all the blogs I've read have been resurrected from wherever blogs go to die. Do I just add the newfound blogs I'm enjoying to the already miles long list of other blogs I read? When is too much, well, too much?
Maybe I'll delete some past people that I don't always click on to actually read. Maybe I won't and will instead just add to the plethora of reading. I'm sure it will have to be weeded out at sometime once school starts, right? Or maybe I'll just leave the whole thing in limbo as I have with the decisions of whether I should delete facebook friends that I don't really know, but may at some point in my life have some curiosity that their cat just threw up or that they really enjoy coffee cake.