Adventure, Plan B & Being Deadline Oriented

This summer has been crazy in ways that I never would have thought of when I was between study abroad, summer school and looking for a job. God's taken my scraggly plans and made them blossom into something that I would have never expected or deserved even. This summer, I've been on the go between cities and even countries as I've traveled with two different youth groups as a volunteer counselor. In addition to that, I've been doing summer school. (It was a success by the way!) The following is a journey through part of my July facebook status updates that I just think are really funny and indicative of what's been going on.

AK would gladly start hardcore training for a marathon or triathlon if she just never had to think about summer school again. She's talking about the real deal complete with the diet and getting up at 5AM to run.

AK To be responsible... or not? Ashley Karlen is on her way to a mystery location with a bag packed full of mystery items. L-O-V-E it's a mystery.

AK ‎"You have 4(.5) years to be irresponsible here. Relax. Work is for people with jobs. You'll never remember class time, but you'll remember tme you wasted hanging out with your friends. So, stay (up) late. (Go to UM ARMY) with your friends when you have (3) papers due (Monday and a test). Spend (time) you don't have. (Have fun) 'til sunrise. The work never ends, but (online classes do)..." UM ARMY for the week? Yes.

AK Dear summer school, we only have a short while left together. Not so sad. & You will not defeat me. Thank you and never come back. Ashley Karlen is very conflicted over whether she wants to study and take a math test today or if she wants to write a research paper. She'd rather go camping.

AK ‎"It's not procrastination, I'm just deadline oriented." Truth. Math class? 1 week? 94! What? What? Now... 24 hours to write 3 papers. Bring it, summer school, bring it.

AK does not think anything could motivate her to write these papers. 2 more papers. 9 hours. & Still no sense of urgency...

AK ‎3 math tests in one day? Check. 3 papers written in one day? Check. Running on coffee, tea and little sleep? Of course.

And before all of those statuses (plus a few that didn't make it over to the blog) this was put up:
AK thinks this summer is all about the Plan B's of being in transit or repacking a suitcase to be in transit to a new adventure. This just may be the best summer of my life.
Now that my friends, is the truth.