Surprise Phone Call

I got an excellent phone call yesterday. It was my brother, Jason, who rarely calls me and when he does it means something special is happening. That sweet special surprise yesterday was the birth of my niece, Mackenzie Catherine!

I am so excited to meet her. My parents and sister have both gotten to meet her and see the proud parents and older brother. I can't wait to get that opportunity!

One of the cutest moments was when I was on the phone with my Dad and he was telling me about Mackenzie. He told me that he was a grandfather, a granddad, granddaddy, grandpa-pa. He's still working on his new title.

Lord, please cradle Mackenzie Catherine in your arms as she begins to grow. Please teach her your ways and help guide her towards you in all that she does. Allow her to see who you have created her to be. Help her parents, family and friends to come beside her and help her to be the woman you one day desire her to be. Lord, thank you for this precious gift.

Ashley KarlenComment