Winter Break

The school semester is over. That's pretty much all I care about right now. I've been enjoying some blog reading. It's been great to just relax, watch some TV and look at some pretty and unique things online.

I've run away back home for the break.

I wish my pancakes looked a bit more prehistoric.

Sometimes, I wish I had a mustache and a beard. Now I can!

This semester has come with lots of engagements and this ring is simply precious.

New store discovery: Madewell with a scarf I love and a jacket to die for!

It may be my love of travel, but globes have captured my heart.


A prison testimony a friend of mine sent me earlier this semester.

Officially obsessed with this super cute and fun wedding!

What a great use of space with this little "igloo" bookcase/room.

Bike thieves? No problem. Here's one way to keep your bike from being stolen.

That's enough for now. Heading out for some lunch and to wrap some presents.

Ashley KarlenComment