three sixty five thinking.

There's a photography project called Project 365 where one takes a picture every single day of the year to share. It ultimately makes you a better photographer as the year progresses and makes you see life from a different perspective. It seems like fun. I've been wanting to do it for awhile now, but I wasn't really sure about starting in the middle of the year.I'm hoping to start on January 1, 2011. Now, there's going to be some catches during this year as I will be studying abroad during the summer and that will slow down some photo posting for sure. I'm hoping to still post from overseas, but I will be on my Canon Powershot, so the quality will be different. I'm also not planning on posting every day as that may get tedious after awhile. If there aren't any pictures for a few days, it will be okay, I will be posting several pictures at once eventually.Now, should I choose a theme for my 365?So far, I don't have one. Well, I have an idea for a possible idea: unseen beauty. It would be focusing on details that might not be seen otherwise but are still beautiful. Any ideas?

Ashley Karlen1 Comment