150! onehundredfiftyone. onehundredfiftytwo. onehundredfiftythree. onehundredfiftyfour. 155!


I could blog about everything that is going on in Costa Rica with my internship. I will... tomorrow. Tonight, I want to finish up photos from my last week or so in the states. During this week, I got ready for Costa Rica, met up with old friends before leaving, saw my sister, Lori, graduate from high school and did our Aggie Ring Dunk with Hanna. AKA a fabulous week!

onehundredfifty. unseenbeauty: frenchbraids.

onehundredfiftyone. unseenbeauty: periodsofpreparation.

onehundredfiftytwo. unseenbeauty: friendsthatknowyouwell.

onehundredfiftythree. unseenbeauty: bakingnewrecipeswithHanna.

onehundredfiftythree. unseenbeauty: beingdonewithschool.

onehundredfiftythreecontinued. unseenbeauty: doingthingstogether.

onehundredfiftyfour. unseenbeauty: littleluxuriesinlife.

onehundredfiftyfive. unseenbeauty: figuringoutwhatyoureallyneedtolive.

Ashley KarlenComment