onehundredfiftysix. onehundredfiftyseven. onehundredfiftyeight. onehundredfiftynine.
For those of you who I haven't been able to talk to, or just check by for quick updates, I am currently interning with a family of missionaries in Costa Rica. Right now, we're getting ready for a team that will come in on Saturday. We're doing a lot of prep work getting supplies and housing for the team right now, as well as a van. In fact, I've been here four days and today was the first day I didn't go to a car dealership. We'll hopefully have the van next week if everything works out.
onehundredfiftysix. unseenbeauty: havingapieceoflovedoneswithyouinaforeignland.
I packed my bags right up until the security line at the airport. This is Dad's hat, off of his head, thrown to me while I was in the line to go through security at the airport. It's kind of good having a piece of him with me here in Costa Rica. I came in and we went to a car dealership to look at a microbus that Ted and Gracie are trying to buy. You know, what you typically do in a new country on the first day.
onehundredfiftyseven. unseenbeauty: chacos,waterbottle,backpack,kindleakacomfort.
Lunch with the pastor and his wife, went to the car dealership aka my favorite place and started getting things ready for the teams to come in.
onehundredfiftyeight. unseenbeauty: checkingthingsofflists.
We spent our day going to Rio Frio to look at the house and then returned to Tibas and San Jose to start shopping: Pequeño mundo, Mas y menos, Walmart, etc.
onehundredfiftyeightcontinued. unseenbeauty: bienvenidosalriofrio.
This is going to be our conversation piece rug as it has nothing to do with our fish-themed bathroom in Rio Frio. It does however have a farm, kind of like Finca Dos, which is where we work.
onehundredfiftynine. unseenbeauty: thingsalignedbyGod.
Shopped, put together things, organized, blew up air mattresses, etc. First team comes in Saturday!
I'm not really sure what to say. Things are expensive here. The rainforest is beautiful. I'm enjoying it. ... Ask me questions!?