'Fall Retreat 2012'

I've been thinking about Fall lately. It's my favorite season. I believe I am one of the few that genuinely love this season. We took a poll during all of our VBS Music Station groups this summer. I was the Lone Ranger standing at the end with Fall as my favorite season.

It's not just the colorful leaves and the advent of scarves that I love. Ever since before I was in sixth grade, I have been going on Fall Retreats. I have a ton of memories of these from moments around campfires to funny skits to great speakers.

This year is different though. This year I didn't have a Fall Retreat to attend with a church youth group. It's been a weird feeling. It's been a weird nagging at the back of my mind. It's okay though. I finally got my 'Fall Retreat 2012'.

I spent the past weekend driving across Texas and like most years, there was a terrific campfire, great speakers and laughter that could rival any skit. I spent approximately 10-11 hours driving across Texas listened to podcasts on my way to see my Forever Roommate, Christy and our friend Sara.

We ate more Mexican food in one weekend than Christy could probably stand, but my heart was fiercely in love with it and it was a pretty good exchange for being forced to watch Twilight. We made a campfire Saturday night and sunk our teeth into some well deserved s'mores.

Flannel, S'mores, Girl Talk, Laughter, Mexican Food, Jesus, Friendship, Fellowship. 
It was a 'Fall Retreat' to rival the best of Fall Retreats.

Y'all, I needed this. My heart longed for this. I'm so glad I got to see these two amazing women this weekend. May there be a Spring Retreat as well!

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