Quitting Church

If you're not aware, I'm drastically behind in reading and finishing my To Read List. I'm trying to play a bit of catch up, but it will be okay if I don't make it. In fact, I know I'm not going to make it, but I've at least tried.One of the books on the list is Julia Duin's Quitting Church. I have been reading this on and off for several years. It's a tough read. I'm not sure if it's tough because of the content that ranges from controlling pastors to house churches to gender roles within the church or that it is tough because it resonates in my heart so much.I'd say check it out. It's tough. It's not a sit down and read through the whole thing kind of book. It's written by a Christian journalists filled with statistics, interviews and personal anecdotes. You can see it on Amazon here as well as read some reviews. Whether you like it or would rather leave it, there is definitely a challenge for the church today and for the souls of us who are going. (Plus, right now it's pretty cheap!)

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