Let Freedom Rise


Red, White + Blue. Inner Tubes on the Lake. The American Flag on as many things as you can get it for the day - clothing, drink koozies, etc.. Grilling Out by the Pool. This is America. The 4th of July is our day. Let Freedom Rise!Except, what about those that aren't free today? What about those that are suffering captive by their own minds, their own addictions and even by others? There are a lot of us captive by varying things. Today, most Americans will choose to focus on family and friends, fireworks, relaxing in their freedom and amazing grilled grub like that brisket above.Freedom. You know those who have gotten us here - our armed forces, our leadership at all stages, our ancestors and our past as a nation. But those who aren't yet free are harder to put a face with. In fact, they're the ones we ignore, the ones that we'd rather not put a face with. Ignoring them and their existence is a 1000 times easier than admitting slavery still exists, than admitting that it's real and that this is a problem.The problem is that it is real though. Listen to these statistics that Love146 has collected: "In 2012, the International Labor Organization estimated that there are 20.9 million enslaved today. That's an estimated 4.5 million in sexual exploitation, an estimated 14.2 million in forced labor and an estimated 2.2 million in state imposed labor... One child in Love146's Survivor Care Program was sold by a trafficker to a brothel for $72. This price is quite typical."You can read more about slavery - how it happens in today's world as well as some of the stories of those Love146 has helped here. Seriously, click on it and educate yourself. Then come back here and pray with me.

A Prayer to Let Freedom Rise

God, you know what is going on in the world around us. You see the good and the bad. You see the downright atrocious. The thing that make my heart so sad and causes tears to flow freely from my face. I can't even imagine with you being All Knowing how you so deeply feel about this. You see every single moment. I can only imagine the heinousness of it all. As we celebrate our freedoms in America today, may those who are not yet free know that they are loved and cared for even now. Allow us to be your hands and feet as we stretch them out to those who need it. To those who are deemed unworthy according to our society. To those who are "supposed" to be overlooked and forgotten. May we see them. May we remember them. May we play a part in their rescue, in your redemption story for their lives.You can move mountains with the slightest of whispers. We know that you can take the world of human trafficking and not only make it turn upside down, but change hardened hearts and eradicate that world for good. God, work your miracles. Rescue those who are trapped! God, force us outside of ourselves. May we lay our selfishness of not wanting to upset our "perfect and busy" lives to help those who are hurting whether they're your beloved children who are trapped in human trafficking or those we know are hurting but are hoping someone else will step up to help them so we don't have to. Will you use us for you glory? Lord, we're here. We're ready. We're waiting for your gentle, "Let's Go." before we launch out in obedience. Show us where we need to be obedient to you in this today. Lord, may our partnership with you be a blessing to others right where they are. In Your Name, Amen. 

Resources - Where to Start + How to Get Involved

I hope your heart is stirred today. I hope at least you will learn more and remember those without the same freedoms as you and me. If you're looking for more additional resources, I'd start here and then check out the organizations that I have put my own trust in below. I would strongly urge you to see if your church has a small group based on learning more about human trafficking and how we can prevent it. I joined one for a semester a few years ago. It was probably one of the heaviest small groups I've ever been in, but also one that challenged my stagnant faith in a "wake up, o sleeper" kind of way, especially to the plight of others around me.A great way to get a good glimpse of exposure into what is going on is through reading and seeing. While Netflix has several documentaries that highlight human trafficking in various ways, I would recommend steering clear of those initially. I'd instead recommend focusing initial documentary screenings regarding human trafficking to these ones that are provided online thanks to Elijah Rising. I haven't watched them yet myself, but I've heard really good things about Nefarious from the leader of the small group I was in. I'd also recommend reading Renting Lacy. Get ready! This book tore up my heart over this issue when we delved into it as a small group. If you're looking for even more, A 2nd Cup also has an amazing resource library here.Organization against human trafficking:Free the Captives // Love 146 // Redeemed Ministries // A21 Campaign // A 2nd Cup (Houston Coffee Shop) // Elijah Rising