Can You Pray For Us Today?


Hi y'all. This last week has thrown me for a whirl on a roller coaster of emotions. I'm exhausted to say the least. With everything that happened, I didn't end up posting a blog last week. I've got several blog posts that have been stirring in my mind for awhile, but honestly, none of those seem right. More than anything I could write to y'all this week, I would rather ask for a favor. Can you pray for myself, my family and my friends today?

Please Pray For

+ A family member who is in a coma after suffering from 2 strokes.+ Myself and my family as we grieve the loss of our dog, Clyde.+ A friend suffering from a severe allergic reaction.+ A friend who lost her father this past week.+ Several new opportunities that are arising in the next few weeks.+ Our continued house search as we start over after changing locations.+ Restful sleep.

Grateful For

+ Time spent with loved ones.+ God bringing glory to himself in the midst of tragedy.+ A husband who has supported me throughout this crazy week.+ Getting to see friends I don't normally get to see later this week and weekend.+ A property manager who is working with us to extend our stay in our current home.Thank y'all. We desperately need your prayers. How can we pray for you?